Buttfest has been an annual event on CelestialBeanArt's twitch channel every January since 2022.
It started as a running joke on the stream in 2021 after Buttsbot (RIP) changed someone's chat message to say "Buttfest" We giggled about what might be at a "Buttfest" all year. We made fake tickets, puns and jokes surrounding the idea. And then in January 2022, we threw our first actual Buttfest. It seemed like the best thing to do to celebrate my affiliate anniversary and birthday which happen back to back (Jan. 5th and 6th) and has since become an annual tradition.
Every year, I try to introduce new features, animations and guests. In 2023, we had a live butt aerobics class lead by Pineapplehoops. We have an annual science presenter SciantsStreams_ followed  by a pop quiz. Our music showcase grows every year with headliner Thugshells. Last year, we introduced the artist alley in addition to the art and music showcases! Buttfest is a collaborative effort intended to uplift the many amazing creators we have in our extended community and unified by the fact that we all have butts! 

Interested in viewing previous Buttfests?
Check the archive below to watch previous years!
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